Special Education
School Psychologist

Jenna Murphy 203-270-6178

The school psychologist has specialized training in both psychology and education. The school psychologist uses his/her training to team with educators, parents, and other mental health professionals to ensure that every child learns in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment. The school psychologist understands school systems, effective teaching, and successful learning. Moreover, The school psychologist acts as a consultant to teachers and to parents, performs diagnostic evaluations, and offers direct counseling services to individuals and groups.

Key skills that parents could teach to their children:
 Special Education 

Rebecca Gregoire,  Shannon Grumet, Marianne Young  203-426-7670

The Special Education teacher and Resource Room Staff provide early intervention supports to struggling students as well as academic remediation to students with Individualized Education Plans (I.E.P.). Additionally, the special education teacher consults with classroom teachers and parents to develop strategies to better support students. When needed, the special education teacher conducts standardized achievement testing as part of the evaluation process.
Speech-Language Pathologist

Kathleen Istvan  203-426-7670

The Speech-Language Pathologist provides evaluations and treatment of students with speech, language, hearing and voice disorders. The Speech-Language Pathologist plans, implements and collaborates with classroom teachers to exchange information regarding the language demands of the classroom. The Speech-Language Pathologist consults with parents to answer questions and provides information regarding speech and language concerns.
Occupational Therapist

Meghan Glynn 203-426-7670

The Occupational Therapist provides a variety of therapeutic activities to develop, improve, or restore fine motor functions and to help the student perform school-related tasks independently. The Occupational Therapist may also serve as a consultant with staff providing recommendations on ways to modify tasks for improved functioning in the classroom.
Inspiring Each Student to Excel

3 Primrose St., Newtown, CT 06470
Phone: 203-426-7600